Starter Bar Manual
Installation & Operation for Starter Bars of all sizes
The purpose of the Starter Bar is to provide a backstop and to secure the canvas while applying the first course of staples.
The starter course is the most critical step for stretching canvas on a wooden frame. If the artwork is not properly aligned it can skew to one side or the other. Generally, when an operator applies staples to the backside of an assembled stretcher frame it tends to move about with even the slightest pressure from the operator’s hands. The Starter Bar provides a backstop to prevent movement forward and backward, and it also clamps the canvas to the frame using gentle pressure to prevent side-to-side motion.
The Starter Bar was designed to be mounted on the side of a typical wooden work bench, it can also be installed on a metal surface using different mounting screws.
The Starter Bar includes:
- Mounting Bar
- Angle Plate
- Turn Knobs
- Flat Washers
- Mounting Screws w/Square Drive Square
- Drive Bit
- Mounting Felt
Ideally, a wood façade using plywood or OSB should be affixed to the front of the work bench to provide a secure mounting surface.
The mounting bar should be at same height as the carpeted surface. An adhesive-backed felt strip provides extra gripping power.
Step 1:Â
Place the Angle Plate over the edge of the work bench so that the lip is facing down toward the floor. Place the Mounting Bar up against the plate and push the plate away from you so that the lip grabs the outside edge of the Mount Bar. This places the extrusion at the same height as the carpeted surface. Ideally, you should place a strip of the same carpet on the surface of the extrusion to avoid a height differential. The carpeted strip will also create somewhat of a spring action when you slide the canvas under the lip.
Step 2:Â
Locate the square drive bit and mounting screws and with a cordless drill secure the Mounting Bar to the side of the bench. There are access holes along the length of the bar, use whatever holes provide for the best mount.
Step 3:Â
Locate the Flat Washers and Turn Knobs. Place the Mounting Plate over the Top of the Mounting Bar as shown below. The Mounting Plate should be setting flush with the Mounting Bar.
Install (2) Flat Washers on each stud and screw the Turn Knob onto each stud.
Step 1:
Place the artwork face down on your clean, carpeted work surface. The ideal work surface would be a low-pile carpet – cardboard is not recommended because it is abrasive and can scuff the artwork. The carpet also serves as a sort of spring which helps the clamping action.
Start by making a gentle fold along the image line, use registration marks if available.
Step 2:
Set the Starter Plate to the highest position and tighten the Turn Knobs to secure it in-place. Move the wood frame and artwork toward you until it is firmly against the Angle Plate. Push the canvas flat against the assembled frame and loosen the Turn Knobs allowing the lip of the Angle Plate to drop downward and on to the artwork.
Tighten the Turn Knobs. In this position you should feel some resistance to motion. If the artwork is too snug simply loosen the Turn Knobs and retighten.
Ideally, you want to use enough pressure to hold the artwork in place so that it doesn’t move while stapling. It should also be able to be removed without too much force. The idea is to hold it secure enough to prevent movement while stapling.
Step 3:
Place the nose of your Staple Gun against the lip of the Angle Plate (shown below) and apply staples the entire length of the artwork. Use this edge to guide the nose of the Staple Gun. We recommend the staples be spaced no more than every 1.5″.